Saturday 21 July 2012

Olympic torch relay, Chichester

Olympic torch relay route, Chichester 16th July.

 the police lead the way
 small caravan

 and then the torch...

 Mary Pearce, BBC sports news correspondent
 The torch in the theatre on the fly
Mr Mayor and the Olympic mascot Wenlock

I warned you it was going to be boring....

And the rest....

The town of Spa, the Tour de France opening day and coming home...

Entering Spa

 Saint Remacle church

 Old baths in Spa

Tour de France 2012
Start of the caravan

Start of the peloton
Yellow jersey Fabin Cancellara and Green jersey Bradley Wiggins
 Mark Cavendish (yellow helmet)
Bradley Wiggins 2012 maillot jaune winner

 coming home...

I warned you it was going to be boring.....

Sunday 15 July 2012

Week 6

Le Lavandou and Cavaliere
cycle route to Le Lavandou

Le Lavandou town

Le Lavandou beach

Le Lavandou port
looking down to Cavaliere

I warned you it was going to be boring....

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Week 5

St Tropez and Port Grimaud
On the journey south and the sky is clearing
looking over to Port Grimaud from the beach at Les Prairies de la mer
Over the water to St Tropez
St Tropez

a cool dud
Port Grimaud from the bell tower

 Port Grimaud from the water

I warned you it was going to be boring.....